The Goldberg Crew

Luke Ashton, Dean Alexander, and Mia Faith

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Luke: ok Dean-o let me show you how to work this thing
Dean: ok
Luke: You go the daddy's favorites, get past the porn and click on either youtube or noggin.
Dean: Porn
Luke: No Dean-o you are to young, its just for me and daddy
Dean: Daddy
Luke: Shhhh he will hear us
Dean: Shhh
Luke: Good boy, now you are getting it, we are going to get along just fine.
Dean: No we're not

Ahhhh Leeemeee tell ya sumthin.....

Yeah Fire! Luke had to be talked to, no more beavis and butthead before bed.

Luke test drove the fire engine but prefers something bigger and that has better leg room.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This is a reminder to check your battery in your fire alarm.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Fast forward 30+ years and change the sippy cup to a 24oz beer....he looks exactly like daddy!

The PATH was boring, no bums, it smelled..good, and was quiet.

Luke started to like the game when the Knick city dancers came out. He kept asking pop-pop to help him ZOOM-IN.

Today Luke learned the words "Play defense you idiot".

This is a subway? asked Luke.
Yes said Pop Pop, It is the "A" train and you can take it to 34th 42nd...
But where is Jared the guy who likes to eat sandwiches and walk?

It was bring 2/8ths of you grandparents to school day.

Looks like Dean gots some junk in the trunk.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Dean keeps his sneakers on for better traction.

Salley Struthers called us...

Plummer in training or Crack Kills, either title works.

Dean collected a lot of beads for showing his lil ole belly.