The Goldberg Crew

Luke Ashton, Dean Alexander, and Mia Faith

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Splish splash, the kids were taking a bath
A rub dub, just relaxing in the tub
I wrapped the towel around them
And we opened the door, and then
Splish, splash! We had to jump back in the bath
…Mommy was pissed that Daddy didn’t use soap.

Boys were rocking it out with their shirts off. Shirts were off because they heard COPS is being filmed in the area. They can’t wait to run to the front door and then go outside on the lawn.

Princess Mia tries to hide Luke’s Lifesaber, Darth Dean put her up to it..

Luke has his cup of coffee and the Lands End catalog, it is how ya start your day as he says.

At the Zoo with the crew

Ham and Cheese with a lil Mia on the side...

Swine FLuke

This exercise is to teach Mia how to instantly cry as soon as The Police pull her over.

When the music ended, Mia won!

Mia, didn’t crawl in the closet. Felicia put her in closet of shoes so she could learn one day to build her own closet of shoes.